Saturday, September 19, 2009

depriving people of privileges and rights, or judging or profiling them by their race, or color of skin, or gender is a terrible thing. this horrific behavior has been repulsively rampant in the past. in this day and age, with the arrival of my generation of digital natives, and forward thinkers (aren't we just the fucking wonder kids?), racism is so much less of a problem. i am proud to say that equal rights and acceptance is at it's peak with this generation.
i beleive that adults of former generations sometimes have trouble coming to terms with the fact that as a whole we are BETTER AT ACCEPTANCE THAN THEIR LOUSY WIFE BEATER CLAD GENERATION. sorry guys that's mean. for example: THINK OUT LOUD is a radio show on NPR that has guests to talk about their opinions on certain issues and has people call in and talk about shit. they did a show where they had mixed race teenagers from various highschools all over portland and talk about racism they had experienced and which race they felt like they identified with most.
the kids all sounded pretty cool and laid back and most of them said that if someone asked them what race they were they would always say the one they looked like most. quite a few others said that when people asked they would tell them it didn't matter because it really didn't matter to them at all. there was one girl who was japanese, russian, mexican, and black and she said that she didn't feel like she was any one of them and that being on the show was the first time she had ever thought about what race she might identify with. she put it wonderfully, it was something like "i don't need to have a RACE because no matter if i'm black or asian or white or whatever it has no bearing on anything regarding who i am."
one woman who was japanese and white called in and said that when she was with her white friends she felt as if she had to act more white and with her japanese friends she felt like she had to be more japanese than she felt. the students just laughed and said they had never felt that they had to do anything like that. they said that she shouldn't have to do that, and if her friends made her feel like that she should get new ones. i think that shows really well that this generation is not only more comfortable talking about race, but also more comfortable with being whatever race they are. when it comes to race our generation isn't taking any bullshit. the students would keep saying that they didn't feel like anyone had been racist to them, but the host and the callers kept trying to TELL them that people were racist towards them! WHAT THE FUCK?!!?!?!?!? i'm sorry old farts but NEWS FLASH there is such a thing as no racism. JUST MAYBE we've come a ways as a society and maybe there is no racism anymore. listening to these stupid adults you would think they set out to make the teenagers feel as if people SHOULD be racist towards them and that they SHOULD have an inner conflict about what race they truly were. i mean what they fuck what is wrong with being comfortable in your own skin?!?!?!!?!? so wake up and smell the coffee dumb asses.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

i think that a lot of people are absolutely full of shit. they pretend to care more about things than they really do, and they take everything too seriously, and get their panties in a wad about stupid little things. the portland theatre brigade are a perfect example of these people. i love the theatre, i'm an actor, but these people made me question te whole proffession.

the theatre brigade is a children's acting group. it is stupid for many reasons. the first of which being that the whole philosophy is that children should act like adults. i think that expecting kids to be mature is a very very good thing, but to expect them to BE ADULTS is more immature than children to expect adults to be kids.

not only this, but I HAVE BEEN IN PLAYS WITH ADULT CASTS and adult actors do not listen to their directors like slaves, they do not loooove everyone else in the cast, and they do NOT try to make it to the top no matter how many friends they leave dead and bloodied along the way.

another reason why it is stupid is because they use a special sort of theatre where there are not sets or props or costumes. i have no problem with this kind of theatre, although i do prefer the more traditional style, but because they are not traditional they think they are better than everyone else. i remember after every show the actors would have to sit on the edge of the stage while our director would explain to the audience this stupid, special acting method. i was always so embarrassed to be associated with them while i sat up there in the stupid all black costumes listening to them being superior.

the worst part is the fact that these kids are all physcos. obviously actors are and always will be competitive, but there is a community in most back stages that i have never seen anywhere else. but the directors have hammered it into these poor kids that if they are not the lead role then they are shit. instead of saying "there are not small parts only small actors" they say "even if you're an extra you can make your part the lead" and the kids take this to mean that they should just undermine their fellow actors. ugh it is absolutely revolting.