Saturday, June 13, 2009

i am so excited i could cry

on the same mall trip that we saw wolverine my dad treated us each to a present for finishing another fucking miserable school year.
so my treat was a book of prints of photographs taken by Robert Doisneau. the above picture is my favorite in the book. i love the "kiss one" so much i could cry. it is so so so so so so so so cool. the prints are made so that you can easily take them out of the book and hang them up, as i mentioned we're moving to crappy nowhere land, where i will have my own room, so this will cheer me up if i hang it in there. the picture makes me want to cry in a weird way, but a good way. hmph. how's that for exploration of emotions?

so my friend gave me the following books for my 13th birthday: Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger (love him), On The Road By Jack Kerouac (heard about this book tons), and Breakfast At Tiffany's by Truman Capote (i love A Christmas Memory).

they all look pretty awesom, but i chose to read On The Road first. i absolutely love it. he talks a bit about his sex life, but not gruesomely at all. people don't seem to understand that it is not sexual stuff that disturbs thirteen year olds, but the thought of physical harm coming to their own thirteen year old body. for example: i tried to read this book called Road of the Dead, about some girl who gets murdered, and then peeps try to kill her brother while he's investigating her death. that book was so so so fucking creepy! i barely got past the first three chapters.

my dad thought On The Road, by Jack Keroac would make me want to do things that i couldn't do as a thirteen year old in 2009, like hitch hiking across the country. honestly? that is simply not how my brain works. so many people think that teens are going to want to do whatever they see on tv, or read in a book, or see the celebrities doing. well i'm sorry, but that's just not how are mind works. as teens we are the best free thinkers, as well as the worst. the bandwagon, can sometimes be irresistable for a teenager, but honestly, we are not such sheep that just because some bad ass dude in a book did it, we're gonna suddenly turn into idiots and think we can do it too. pshhhhhhh we are a misunderstood group of people. i really don't know why adults in general tend to think they can fathom our ups, downs, ins, and outs. they're always saying themselves, that the teen years are the most complicated... well shouldn't that mean that the government, and teachers, and parents, and stuff should just back off and let us experience our complicated emotions. i know that adults were also our age once, but they say a thousand times "everyone moves at a different pace", or "it's different for everyone", so how the fuck can they know? ugh peeps just need to leave us teenage freaks alone and stop trying to analyze, and predect. there must be a reason why we've evolved to be this way at thirteen so let it run it's course.

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