Wednesday, July 22, 2009


this book is definitely in my top five favorite books. i was taken completely off guard by how many emotions it stirred up throughout the story. the really unusual thing about The Art Of Racing In The Rain is that it is narrated by a dog, named Enzo. when you describe it that way it sounds like a children's book, however a lot of this book kinda went over MY head so it probably surpasses young adult and goes straight to adult. even so, i enjoyed it so immensely it is hard to do it justice. Enzo is a dog who is ready to be a man. ever since he saw a documentary about how in Mongolia dogs are beleived to be reincarnated as men. first they are buried with a peice of meat in their mouth, and then their spirit is set free to roam and run all over the world for as long as it wants, then when it chooses it can be reincarnated as a man. Enzo says throughou the book that he is ready. that he has been ready since the day he was born. he is making preparations all his life and studying humans so that when he is a man he will have a headstart. his owner Denny is a race car driver, with a wife named Eve and a daughter named Zoe. this book is deppressing as well as uplifting all in one. i cried so much but when i finished it (10 minutes ago) i was very happy. so many ups and downs and unexpected detours are enough to make for an extremely enjoyable book. usually i despise a story with a moral, but while the moral of this book doesn't stare you in the face or grab your collar and drag you along, there is much to learn from Enzo and his amazing storytelling. i beg anyone who reads this to read the book as well. at least give it a try.

by the way i guess all this means that garth stein is a damn good author right?

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