Sunday, July 26, 2009

re post

sorry dearies had to repost this just to prove that it has been almost 24 hours and my will to move to new orleans has not diminished in the slightest

this my darlings, is where i want to live.i've always known i want to live in the city, and i've always known that i want to live where it is really hot in the summer and really cold in the winter. personally i prefer summer to winter but i feel that if you're going to have a season at all you shouldn't do it half ass, so while i hate cold bitter weather, if it's winter you should do it right with snow and everything. i've also always known that i want to live in the south. well all those things would not only be extremely hard, if not impossible to fit into one location, but many of them pose big problems. for example you cannot have somewhere in the south that is very cold in the winter. second i have absolutely no tolerance for racism, homophobia, and most religion bothers me, so living in the south might be a problem. now just for any southerners who might read this, i am not in any means saying that everyone down there is racist, ignorant, homophobic and religious, trust me i come from louissianna, i am simply saying that with two parents that grew up there, two sets of grandparents still living there, and all my cousins in mississippi and texas, there is more of those foul things in the south.
anyway. New Orleans is in the south so i get my weather, my hospitality, and general courtesy, but NOT the isolation. here's why: New Orleans is a world city, so all these people who have come from all different places, have brought New Orleans multiculturalism in the highest degree, and with that all the tolerance i would want. as for the very hot in the summer thing, no problems there. the winter thing i'll solve somehow, maybe go visit a friend in new york or minnesota for christmas. and the city thing is more than provided for. ahhh my beloved new orleans. i'll live there and eat spicy cajun food, and rent a little brick apartment above a bookstore, and work as a barrista down the street... or be a college english proffessor somewhere nearby, or perhaps even a journalist.

despite all my rants, i must remind you that i am 13, and that i swing between wanting kids, and despising the idea hourly. so...

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