Monday, April 27, 2009

cool website called (dont ask about the four f's i have no idea), these are all images i "found" on that site

today i spent an hour and a half in the tub. the plug was broken so it was slowly leaking. i am so fucking i couldn't bring myself to get up even when the water was long long gone. i am so tired. i can't take a nap this late, i'll wake up feeling worse. i am so tired. tired. today i cant wait to sleep. ever since i got up this morning and stumbled into the shower, i've been looking forward to "bed time". all i've got to do is dinner, then i'm safe to sleep until tomorrow morning. i hope that they'll cancel school tomorrow....... because all the teacher decide to play hookie. ugh. tired.

somehow my music is not as satisfying as it was yesterday. nothing really is. my butt is falling asleep sitting on the floor with the laptop, but i am way way way to lazy to move. no way, not happening, sorry butt.

in social studies we're watching this movie about the suffragettes. it's called Iron Jawed Angels, and it's got Hillary Swank as Alice Paul. i can't remember the lady who plays Lucy Burns, but i have decided that she is way way more bad ass than Alice Paul. Alice Paul is all timid and worried about offending peeps. hey girlfriend wakeup!!!! women need the vote, they need to be heard and be treated equally, i dont give a shit who's gonna be offended!!! so anyway Lucy Burns is way more spirited and "in your face".

Sunday, April 26, 2009


so i found out a while ago that the guy i like (and am also friends with), likes my friend who also likes him. well he told me that, and i also told him that i liked him. and then they both had a whole happy thing where they told each other. i also had to call her and tell her the good news, and listen while she got all ecstatic. i didnt care that much, cuz i was happy for her, especially cuz she's never really been liked or gone out with anybody. well for a while this dude and i had been emailing a lot. and we still do, but all he ever talks about is how "Fucking beautiful" she is....... i cannot even beleive how frustrated it makes me. not to mention the fact that i have to share a room with my two years younger sister. who (especially today) is totally totally messy. i cannot relax in a messy room, so i always keep my part of it clean, but she is a textbook slob. anyway.... that's it. now it makes me feel totally shitty to think about poor kids in war torn places and stuff. their lives suck way way way more than mine, that's totally obvious, but it really doesnt make me feel any better.
Poison Idea:
They are (were?) a metal band that started in Portland.... and they kick butt. i have half a mind to tell all ya'll bout that one time where i myself may have come across one o' these fellas'.

Sierra and i were on the bus and this really really really wasted guy got on, and started petting this guys dog (which he claimed was a service animal but obviously wasnt). well the Dog Owner started yelling at Drunk Guy to stop. Drunk Guy just started cracking up so hard that i though his guts would fall out. so Dog Owner gets super dooper pissed off and tells the bus driver to do something. Drunk Guy eventually stops laughing and just sits down being a good little boy. and this dude (a much older version of the guy in the picture below, with Poison Idea tattoos all down his neck) turns to us with a gold toothed grin and with a "stay in school kids", he moved to the back of the bus and pulled an unlit cigarette out to suck on.

Favorite Poison Idea song: Plastic Bomb

Elliot Smith:
this guy is my only sort of EMO interest.... but i'm not sure if his music could be classified in any category. but the point is, his songs are really pretty sad, or at least melancholy. during his life this Elliot Smith was pretty seriously addicted to heroine and a lot of his songs are about that. like Needle in the Hay, which talks about specific places in Portland, (Oregon), (where he's from), where he would go to get his fix. most of the songs are just really....... um....... realistic i guess? cuz they're often pretty autobiographical. i think.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Don't laugh, even though it's totally stupid...

i have decided something today.....
i like music sounds:
  • like a ghetto
  • like 50's greasers standing around in the playground drinking beer right before it gets dark.
  • like an unspoken gang where everyone pretends that it's every man for himself.... but only a few really let on that it's really a family.
  • like some kid who's about to smoke his first joint
  • like the bass could rattle the windows out
  • like "i got it under control, i dont need you, i dont care.

but then again, it'll change again tomorrow. bear with me, i'm 12.

watched Paranoid Park. awesome movie. loved it. totally realistic (not really the plotline but the characters). awesome. totally have a crush on the main dude, except he looks gross with his hat on.

my little sis turned me on to Flight of the Conchords. Frickin' HILARIOUS.

i also learned today that, not only to i love to swear, but i love to say "bad ass".

oh. and also, i decided that boy or girl, (if it even exists), my kid will be named Tito. can you imagine what kind of tough-ass awesome girl would be named Tito? she'd be the kind of girl, who doesnt wear make up, doesnt die her hair , wears skinnies even if they're not in style. she would also wear black, low top converse all the time. her shoes would be thrashed and she would own one pair at a time. she would be fucking gorgeous, but not in a delicate way at all, a way that would be even more hot with some scars or even a scab.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Roman Wall Blues

So the coolioses kick ass man below was a poet, gay dude, and a chain-smoker. He (i think) is my favorite poet.

Roman Wall Blues
By W.H. Auden

Over the heather the wet wind blows,
I've lice in my tunic and a cold in my nose.

The rain comes pattering out of the sky,
I'm a Wall soldier, I don't know why.

The mists creeps over the hard grey stone,
My girl's in Tungria; I sleep alone.

Aulus goes hanging around her place,
I don't like his manners, I don't like his face.

Piso's a christian, he worships a fish;
There'd be no kissing if he had his wish.

She gave me a ring but I diced it away;
I want my girl and I want my pay.

When I am a veteran with only one eye
I shall do nothing but look at the sky.

oh my god, i cant beleive how great that poem is, the last line is so cool it smacks me in the face every time i read it.

Lately it's been my most absolutely favorite show. I really love Eric and Donna because they are so very cute. Well.... not only that, but the dirty jokes that surround them are usually pretty damn hilarious. So anyway, i just watched the episode where they do it for the first time, which is so so so cute. Except the fact that Donna said that Eric wasn't "good". Then there was this whole stupid thing about PRACTICE, so eventually they get caught by the cops...... in the... um...act...... in the um... back of the car.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

check it folks. See these cool people? This is something i have decided: the coolest people are people who A. are not of my generation, and B. make or made music.

Went to Ben and Jerry's at lunch today and got some super uber fucking delicious coffee ice cream which was absolutely perfect (although after my friend got Cherry Garcia and i was jealous, it wasn't QUITE as perfect anymore). Anyway, the whole reason we went there, was because i wanted to use my coolio ten percent off card thing that i got on free cone day. So basically..... this has all been the very long build up to a post all about how cool and fun it was to go line up with all the other hot, sweaty, stinky, pissy teenagers at Ben and Jerry's for free cone day.

so here's the story: i persuaded my peeps to run to B and J's to beat the line, only to find that we had not in fact beat it, (although i guess we kinda did).... but anyway that is STILL not the point.... the point is that we all waited in line, and cut-ed, and coconut-ed, and butted and all that good stuff. And when it was finally when it was 12:00 we all stormed the doors, but the militant old ladies running it would only let five people in at a time, they were VERY good at enforcing. However, the worst part of the whole damn thing was that the asshole 6th buttholes were right in front of us talking about how cool they all are and making out.

getting even longer... this poor post.

we learned in health today about pot and stuff. once again i was proved right when are teacher confirmed that it is less than HALF as addicitive as nicotine!!! score bajillion for me.

here is where i try to turn what has hitherto been an unfruitful post into a damn good one.

bestest comic strips:
Baby Blues
Cul De Sac
Get Fuzzy

Sunday, April 19, 2009

about to eat popsicles on Jasmine's ass kicking front porch. later ya'll i'll take popsicles any day. 

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Beautiful Day

Wish i could look as cool as her. Not only is she totally beautiful, but she makes great music. It's a really cool story though, cuz Erykah Badu was just a school teacher, but D'Angelo was doing some live performance in her town, and she opened for him. Then D'Angelo's peeps signed her on to sing backup for an album, and then this other record label signed her, and then she became awesome.

Absolutely gorgeous day. Warm (wish it were about 20 degrees hotter, cuz i like the weather to be as hot as me... lol i wish), and just beautiful. Still though i feel a bit unsatisfied... not sure why, but it's more like my brain itches.... Recently i got a postcard from this dude i dont know. he got my adress of this mailing website was on... still it was a bittie bit creepy. Again not sure what to think about the whole. Today there has been alot of mental confusion. At this very minute i'm considering my second bath of the day.... probably not a good idea, seeing how i would probably feel shitty and weird when i got out. Hm. I AM SO VERY VERY VERY WEIRD TODAY. Made a cake. Walked the dogs. Went for a walk. Almost crashed a wedding by accident. Talked on the phone, and almost had a hearattack when i was reminded that i have a speech and a math peice due on monday.

Friday, April 17, 2009

i love this stuff... they're called Blue Print and they kick ass.... nuff said

not sure if this will work.... i'm a bit of a tard on the comp... sorry but there's no digital native here.
my very own father turned me on to these dudes, they kick major ass. something about this guy is so sweet, they're all so much different than your average California skater. cuz this guy talks all soft and stuff...... anyway it's pretty sweet.

Anyway, if that link doesnt work and somebody wants to see the video i guess just copy and past into your search bar thingo.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

nothing can bring me down of this high

Even though i'm already coming down of the afore mentioned "high", i just had the greatest dance class in the history of the world. It's a ballroom dancing class..... and it is super fucking fun. Today we did Cha Cha (my favorite.... when you really get into it, it's just a step away from grinding.), Tango, Waltz, Charleston, Swing, and Foxtrot. The dude i was dancing with for swing goes to school with me.... it was so fun... we were doing really well today too. It's the second time i've taken the class, so i'm a bit ahead of some peeps, but there are also a couple peeps were in it last time. Frankly, (i know i was a beginner once too) i prefer to dance with the more experienced dudes, cuz then we get to do all the groovy stuff we learned last time. Cha Cha is awesome (had to say it again to emphasize).....

the really depressing thing about this post is that i am thinking more and more how i can get this stupid blog read.... but i have no no no no no no no no no no idea how!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

cool stuff

coolest sub

my friend says that when i get into high school i am gonna still be really smart (she's right about that) but that i'm not gonna try... i'm gonna be a stoner who does enough to be above average but not my best, then i'm gonna go to college, roadtrip to Mexico, get a little coffee shop job and then a cool apartment downtown...... well she doesnt know it...... but that is absolutely exactly what i want.

Yesterday our social studies teacher was sick, or playing hookie (yeah it's true everyone does it, just like masturbation)....... but anyway, we had this sub. Need i say that he was the coolest dude on the planet..... even though he was sixty and kinda fat? Well he was. He talked about the fall of our empire (which he didnt think was exactly a bad thing, i agree), and how when he knew the U.S. was doomed was 2000 (mmm GEORGE BUSH?). He told us that our generation would be famous for paying off the largest debt with our taxes, and that "china is on the rise", and "men! when you're 60 like me you'll be just as ugly, and ladies! you girls will always be gorgeous!", and "when i'm stupid and slobbering and dying, pick me a good president ok?". He called everyone sir and ma'm and i'm gonna be like that dude when i'm old.....prob without the male part...........yep deffinetely without the male part........ although who knows how i'll turn out.......but i think i can pretty much safely assume i wont be getting any sex changes or i would know something by now.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Female Mechanic Now on Duty- Sonic Youth......................... AWESOME...............nuff said.

Music, makes it possible to live through little sisters, and stomach aches (these two travel hand in hand)

check out these awesome peeps. i think they are possibly truly worthy of the title "phenomenal":

Well, i have titled this post with a somewhat untrue revelation, so i'm going to have to clear this up before i continue: blueberry muffins, art, and shouting can also work.
it has come to be decided that Obama is a pretty awesome dude. I agree. He's a pretty awesome president... (not to be corny, but-) he'll be remembered. I think my folks would have really come close to moving to Canada if McCain (how the hell do you spell a freaky name like that) had won. i mean, the dude is pretty old and frail... so uuuum, who wants freaky Sarah Palin for our very own beloved president.... Well stupider things have happened... right?

yeah well, lately my favorite is Bob Dylan, but as i write this sentence, i'm starting to get tired of Ballad of a Thin Man... so guess what? you got it!!! i'm gonna listen to I Want You. yeah well, this morning... ugh... this morning... this morning i dont really have anything intelligent....

but now that is over... so i'm listening to BURIAL AT SEA by GOATSNAKE. i think this deserved the caps lock cuz it is so hardcore brutal and awesome metallic genius.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Well, I've always wanted to have a blog... but not just some stupid blog that nobody reads. Unfortunately this blog has turned out to be the latter. It is only minutes after my "starting over" post, in which i try to regain control, and i'm already considering quitting. BUT!... i refuse to be a whiner, and i'm gonna try yet AGAIN.
So........................................................................................................................ pictures?

starting over

ok, this is me, starting over. Obviously I failed the first time I tried to blog... so here it is, another try.