Wednesday, April 15, 2009

nothing can bring me down of this high

Even though i'm already coming down of the afore mentioned "high", i just had the greatest dance class in the history of the world. It's a ballroom dancing class..... and it is super fucking fun. Today we did Cha Cha (my favorite.... when you really get into it, it's just a step away from grinding.), Tango, Waltz, Charleston, Swing, and Foxtrot. The dude i was dancing with for swing goes to school with me.... it was so fun... we were doing really well today too. It's the second time i've taken the class, so i'm a bit ahead of some peeps, but there are also a couple peeps were in it last time. Frankly, (i know i was a beginner once too) i prefer to dance with the more experienced dudes, cuz then we get to do all the groovy stuff we learned last time. Cha Cha is awesome (had to say it again to emphasize).....

the really depressing thing about this post is that i am thinking more and more how i can get this stupid blog read.... but i have no no no no no no no no no no idea how!

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