Tuesday, April 14, 2009

coolest sub

my friend says that when i get into high school i am gonna still be really smart (she's right about that) but that i'm not gonna try... i'm gonna be a stoner who does enough to be above average but not my best, then i'm gonna go to college, roadtrip to Mexico, get a little coffee shop job and then a cool apartment downtown...... well she doesnt know it...... but that is absolutely exactly what i want.

Yesterday our social studies teacher was sick, or playing hookie (yeah it's true everyone does it, just like masturbation)....... but anyway, we had this sub. Need i say that he was the coolest dude on the planet..... even though he was sixty and kinda fat? Well he was. He talked about the fall of our empire (which he didnt think was exactly a bad thing, i agree), and how when he knew the U.S. was doomed was 2000 (mmm GEORGE BUSH?). He told us that our generation would be famous for paying off the largest debt with our taxes, and that "china is on the rise", and "men! when you're 60 like me you'll be just as ugly, and ladies! you girls will always be gorgeous!", and "when i'm stupid and slobbering and dying, pick me a good president ok?". He called everyone sir and ma'm and i'm gonna be like that dude when i'm old.....prob without the male part...........yep deffinetely without the male part........ although who knows how i'll turn out.......but i think i can pretty much safely assume i wont be getting any sex changes or i would know something by now.

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