Saturday, April 25, 2009

Don't laugh, even though it's totally stupid...

i have decided something today.....
i like music sounds:
  • like a ghetto
  • like 50's greasers standing around in the playground drinking beer right before it gets dark.
  • like an unspoken gang where everyone pretends that it's every man for himself.... but only a few really let on that it's really a family.
  • like some kid who's about to smoke his first joint
  • like the bass could rattle the windows out
  • like "i got it under control, i dont need you, i dont care.

but then again, it'll change again tomorrow. bear with me, i'm 12.

watched Paranoid Park. awesome movie. loved it. totally realistic (not really the plotline but the characters). awesome. totally have a crush on the main dude, except he looks gross with his hat on.

my little sis turned me on to Flight of the Conchords. Frickin' HILARIOUS.

i also learned today that, not only to i love to swear, but i love to say "bad ass".

oh. and also, i decided that boy or girl, (if it even exists), my kid will be named Tito. can you imagine what kind of tough-ass awesome girl would be named Tito? she'd be the kind of girl, who doesnt wear make up, doesnt die her hair , wears skinnies even if they're not in style. she would also wear black, low top converse all the time. her shoes would be thrashed and she would own one pair at a time. she would be fucking gorgeous, but not in a delicate way at all, a way that would be even more hot with some scars or even a scab.

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